I spent this afternoon in the company of some really wonderful ladies, all of whom were there, including myself, for a "Mother Blessing" for our friend and sister in spirit Crystal Joy. She is due to have her baby within the next month, and now she is loaded down with more love and support from us. We brought her food, prayers, words of support, and beads. Each of brought a bead and while we took turns stringing our bead on the bracelet, we shared our support, prayers or whatever we brought. In the end, we put her bracelet on her wrist, which she will wear until after she's had her little one. But that's not all......afterwards, we each made our own bracelet with beads and we are all wearing ours too until the baby comes. Then while we ate and visited, C.J. was given a pedicure and foot massage, and a manicure and hand massage. And then we laid her down on the sofa and used face paints to paint what we wanted on her very prominent belly. There were hearts, sunshine, baby feet, and words, like "support" and "love" and "faith". Of course the belly paint will come off with her next shower, but it was for the moment and it was all very lovely. There were many tears shed during the bracelet ceremony. And when we left, we were each given a candle, and when C.J. goes into labour, each of us will be called, and we will light our candles, which burn for 18 hours.
Apparently we DID get a skiff of snow last night, but by the time I went outside at noon today it was gone and looked just like it looked before, so I wasn't even aware of it, LOL See Patty? We ALL say "skiff" of snow here!! And Debs, the lady who I came and went with today said she was out watching the Northern Lights the last two nights here!!! And I didn't even know it was happening..... missed it altogether! Anyway it was a lovely, warm and sunny day today. Very enjoyable.
Back at it tomorrow, on the job. I can't tell yet if I can't wait to hear if there's a decision on my new cashroom plans, or if I'm too scared to hear what the decision is!!! What a buck-buck I am, huh? LOL
I'm fairly confident we'll get something......I'm just worried that we may not get what I NEED in there. And I know exactly what's needed, so I've now asked for bare minimum, and I hope we get that. Fingies crossed!!
Oh Lordy and this is the week I have to go BACK to the dentist for another filling... if it's just a filling I couldn't care less, but if he tells me it needs a root canal I think I'll have to hurt him.
I'm beginning to wonder if he just isn't a little root canal crazy or something. Like I said before, I'll tell him to fill it or yank it. No more friggin' antibiotics for me for awhile!! So, we'll see what happens when I see him on Friday.
Well that's the end of another weekend.....I hope you all have a good week, stay safe and PEACE to you and yours!
Love Jude
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