Welcome back voters! We're a day late and now into a new month AND a new year, but this is our December 2010 photo contest, and the theme is "Texture".
If you would like to participate in the voting process please go on over to Stardom Awaits! to do so. The voting will be open for approximatly 2 weeks, and then the winner(s) announced. Thank you! :-)
Best of luck to all the entrants, there are some awesome shots!
Love Jude
If you would like to participate in the voting process please go on over to Stardom Awaits! to do so. The voting will be open for approximatly 2 weeks, and then the winner(s) announced. Thank you! :-)
Best of luck to all the entrants, there are some awesome shots!
Love Jude
Hi ya Jude, just popping in to say I have a new blog, Ramblings of a mama has been closed, this is my new blog http://myfamily-danni.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the heads up Danni, I can't seem to find you with the link you've given me though! Have you got it up and running yet?
I found your new blog Danni, thanks!
Just when I think I'm going to start entering these contests, I look at the entries, and think there's no way I can compete with that. Great job everyone!
Aww thanks Melly, there's a great bunch there isn't there!
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