Tonight I get into my blog and I see that my MoodSmilies is down because the site owner exceeded their bandwidth. Okay......fine. But I don't want this big white box on my side panel that says exactly that. No fun, right? So I just deleted it. What the heck, I can TELL you in a post if I'm happy or bitchy anyway. You'll be saying either " Look, here she comes, we're gonna get a HUG!!".....or..... "Look OUT, here she comes, and she's wearin' that funny diaper thingy again!"
**Update: I decided to try something......and it worked! I just made my OWN mood heading and pic, comlete with a little explanation beside it! Yay for me!
I don't wanna talk about my situation at work and how I'm still not sure I'm going to get what I need for space in the new place. Let's just say that so far nothing's changed and I'm stressed. But......I don't wanna talk about it cuz I'll wanna go tell somebody to bite me. See, my one manager who's boss is the one who seems to feel I don't do anything important enough to warrant much space (okay well that's how it feels to me right now)..... well this one manager of mine happens to be the least able or willing to fight for stuff and get it. My other two managers would fight for it. But I don't wanna talk about it...... too depressing!
I know, I know....... shut up then!! LOL
I'm so pooped after only working 3 days. I can't honestly remember what it felt like to have had so much energy and basically no aches and pains all those years before now. (well, except every month when I had cramps from hell or all the times I got migraines that made me blind and then pass out hurling in the toilet.) But I mean the everyday, wake up and jump out of bed stuff, you know? Now, if I even attempted to "jump" out of bed, I'd just hurt myself. I slowly get upright and then do a kinda shuffle to the biffy. And after a half hour or so, I can walk normally again. Knees, ankles, back and feet. The first to go! What else is left, I ask you???
Well peeps that's about it for this one, and I sincerely hope you all stay safe and happy. Once again, Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends, and to the rest of us...... well, Happy One Month Before Xmas!!
Peace be yours,
Love Jude
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