Well peeps I just got back from my dentist appointment with the by now famous Dr. I.L. Drillya, and he did the final filling on the root canal which is doing just fine, and he was supposed to do either a filling or root canal on another molar. Well. Turns out it definitely needs a root canal, and really I've lost so many molars on that side that I guess I don't want this one yanked afterall. So we compromised. I told him after my body gets back to completely normal again that I'd come back for a root canal, and only go on the antibiotics IF and only IF it gets infected, like this one did. So I'm off the hook for now. And no, that's NOT his real name ~~ and if you really thought it was, then I wanna hug ya cuz you must be mentalpausal like ME. (you poor thing)
What a gorgeous autumn day to go for a walk!!! The sun is beating down and the breeze is stiff but refreshing, and it's just SO ALIVE out there! I almost wished it would have taken me longer to walk to the dentist and back, it was lovely. I could have kept wandering around my neighbourhood, but ~~ LAUNDRY AWAITS ME! A woman's work is never done, the saying says, and it's true isn't it? I just got it started, but I still have to go strip the bed yet too. (no Debs, "strip the bed", not "strip ON the bed") Savin' that for later! LOL **go Judy, go Judy**
Def Leppard famous song in strip bars if anybody out there doesn't know the song ~ not that they wrote it for that purpose!!! It's just a really really fun song for the fans to sing along to at their shows.
Okay! What's next?? I'm really looking forward to the wedding reception here next Saturday for my sweet friend Monica, who just married her soul-mate Shane on the beach in Oahu. You may remember I was telling you about a wedding gift that I made for them, and once this reception has come and gone I'll try my hand at posting a pic of the gift on here. I've been to Maui 4 times on holidays through the years and it's my favourite place on earth! (not that I've been all over the earth or anything....
Well peeps I guess that's about it for this time. I hope you are all having turkey leftovers and sammiches now to your heart's content! Be good to yourselves and to others ~~~ Until next time, PEACE!!
Love Jude
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