"Long weekends, I adore you
You are my friend indeed
Afternoon naps and resting
You give when I'm in need"
Well whatever..... a poem it really ain't, but you get the picture. I LOVE long weekends, where I have just that one extra day to laze, to nap, to read, to .......... do diddlysquat!! And today is just exactly one of those days. I had a nice sleep last night, got up and did nothing much, went back for a simply lovely afternoon nap, and now I'm just enjoying the rest of the afternoon. I did some baking and now I'm going to sit on my bunyakas and read my Sunday paper. Aaahhhhhh this is the life.......
So off we went yesterday, Pammie and I, and we had a fun time at the flea market. Neither one of actually found anything there that we wanted, but we also hit 2 thrift stores on the way home, and an antique shop. Pammie got a crystal pickle dish at the antique shop, and I got my teacups and saucers at a thrift store ~~ a lovely little set of white cups and saucers. Tea leaf reading, anyone? Oh yes, and I also got another bagful of paperbacks to read. I read every single night in bed, that's what puts me to sleep ~ so I run out of books rather quickly. I just read The Thornbirds, a great story that's been around awhile now. I saw the mini-series (starring Richard Chamberlain ~ anyone remember him?) waaaaay back when it first came out. I couldn't even remember much of the story it had been so long ago, so I really enjoyed the book. Anyway I pick up books in the stores, read the back cover and decide if it sounds good. If it does, I get it. But you know what I hate? I get them home and I open one to start reading it, and lo and behold if it ain't one in a SERIES. Well....... I refuse to read a book that's in the middle of a damn series..... I want the entire set first. LOL So now that has just happened recently to me with 2 books, so I'll have to go searching for the rest of the 2 series. Oh well, I still have plenty more to read, thankfully.
Lots of birthdays coming up...... hubby has his this coming Wednesday, the old fart ~
~ he'll be 2 yrs. older than me for a couple of months, lol. My friend Leona on Feb. 27, then my Aussie friend Danni on March 7, sis Pammie's doggie Bugs on March 10, my friend Roxy on March 11, Pammie's on March 16. Holy crap, a whole WHACK of them! The two busiest birthday months of the year for me are February and March. Then mine is in April ~ yes, I'm a BULL! **snort!**
Well peeps I'm off to enjoy my Sunday paper, perhaps I'll see if there's any good movies on TV after that. Enjoy your weekends too everyone ~ PEACE!
Love Jude
"For those of you with sun signs in Mars, the next 2 weeks could be blissful. Especially if you have a preference for frisky little green men. If you are a Taurus who is out of work, don't look now but everyone is saying nasty things about you. Better move somewhere where prospective employers don't know about you. Leos with "outsy" belly buttons are lucky this week, but those with "insy" belly buttons will notice their waistlines are snugger ~~ time to lay off those Krispy Kremes or you'll be digging lint out of those ever-deepening navels till the cows come home. Those kinky Scorpios, however, find that a fascinating bit of foreplay, so if you chubby Leos have Scorpio lovers, eat all you want and knock yourselves out in the bedroom. All signs this week are susceptible to leg cramps and shark bites. People born on this date: famous author of "Rusty Bedsprings", Mr. I.P. Nightly, and the famous sex-change surgeon who invented the Addacocktomy, Dr. Seymour Dick."
"Long weekends, I adore you
You are my friend indeed
Afternoon naps and resting
You give when I'm in need"
Well whatever..... a poem it really ain't, but you get the picture. I LOVE long weekends, where I have just that one extra day to laze, to nap, to read, to .......... do diddlysquat!! And today is just exactly one of those days. I had a nice sleep last night, got up and did nothing much, went back for a simply lovely afternoon nap, and now I'm just enjoying the rest of the afternoon. I did some baking and now I'm going to sit on my bunyakas and read my Sunday paper. Aaahhhhhh this is the life.......
So off we went yesterday, Pammie and I, and we had a fun time at the flea market. Neither one of actually found anything there that we wanted, but we also hit 2 thrift stores on the way home, and an antique shop. Pammie got a crystal pickle dish at the antique shop, and I got my teacups and saucers at a thrift store ~~ a lovely little set of white cups and saucers. Tea leaf reading, anyone? Oh yes, and I also got another bagful of paperbacks to read. I read every single night in bed, that's what puts me to sleep ~ so I run out of books rather quickly. I just read The Thornbirds, a great story that's been around awhile now. I saw the mini-series (starring Richard Chamberlain ~ anyone remember him?) waaaaay back when it first came out. I couldn't even remember much of the story it had been so long ago, so I really enjoyed the book. Anyway I pick up books in the stores, read the back cover and decide if it sounds good. If it does, I get it. But you know what I hate? I get them home and I open one to start reading it, and lo and behold if it ain't one in a SERIES. Well....... I refuse to read a book that's in the middle of a damn series..... I want the entire set first. LOL So now that has just happened recently to me with 2 books, so I'll have to go searching for the rest of the 2 series. Oh well, I still have plenty more to read, thankfully.
Lots of birthdays coming up...... hubby has his this coming Wednesday, the old fart ~
Well peeps I'm off to enjoy my Sunday paper, perhaps I'll see if there's any good movies on TV after that. Enjoy your weekends too everyone ~ PEACE!
Love Jude
"For those of you with sun signs in Mars, the next 2 weeks could be blissful. Especially if you have a preference for frisky little green men. If you are a Taurus who is out of work, don't look now but everyone is saying nasty things about you. Better move somewhere where prospective employers don't know about you. Leos with "outsy" belly buttons are lucky this week, but those with "insy" belly buttons will notice their waistlines are snugger ~~ time to lay off those Krispy Kremes or you'll be digging lint out of those ever-deepening navels till the cows come home. Those kinky Scorpios, however, find that a fascinating bit of foreplay, so if you chubby Leos have Scorpio lovers, eat all you want and knock yourselves out in the bedroom. All signs this week are susceptible to leg cramps and shark bites. People born on this date: famous author of "Rusty Bedsprings", Mr. I.P. Nightly, and the famous sex-change surgeon who invented the Addacocktomy, Dr. Seymour Dick."
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