Here's another funny....... Baked Beans Month Short and sweet! Well........perhaps NOT so "sweet" at all, ffeeeww!
Friday April 22 is International Earth Day, and I just felt compelled to acknowledge that wonderful fact. The earth is a gift we are given to live on and share for the short time we are here. I'm not a fanatic or anything, but as I have grown a bit older I feel more attuned to nature and the gift of it all that is ours. Ours to trash, or to take good care of. I guess I try to do my small part by recycling trash diligently.
I've decided to make some French Toast for dinner tonight, and it's starting to make my mouth water just thinking about it now. I know some people think that's "breakfast" food, but hey I'll eat cereal, eggs, toast, whatever for dinner. In my mind food is food, lol. So I think I'm off to do just that peeps, and I'll wish you all a good weekend ~ until next time, PEACE!
Love Jude
I've decided to make some French Toast for dinner tonight, and it's starting to make my mouth water just thinking about it now. I know some people think that's "breakfast" food, but hey I'll eat cereal, eggs, toast, whatever for dinner. In my mind food is food, lol. So I think I'm off to do just that peeps, and I'll wish you all a good weekend ~ until next time, PEACE!
Love Jude
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