We had my hubby's sister and her hubby over last night for our Christmas get-together, and I made a scrumptious meal, if I do say so myself. We had pork chops cooked in mushrooms and mushroom sauce, my aforementioned "smashed spuds" (mashed with sour cream, dill, onion powder), corn and broccoli slaw with raisins and pear pieces. And for dessert, the afternoon before, I baked yummy lemon squares ~~ now here's where the war wounds come in...... I burned both my hands in the oven really bad taking the squares out. It was my own fault I wasn't paying attention and did it HURT! Still does too..... wah!
Both of the tops of my hands are burned, right where the thumbs meet the hands, if you know what I mean. Can't seem to do anything without touching, scraping or rubbing them on something either, so I leave them uncovered for periods of time if I'm just sitting, and then I cover them with some of my home-made healing salve (feels soooo good) and bandages when I'm doing stuff or when I go to bed. That way the open skin is protected at least. Methinks I'm gonna have scars there..... and to top it all off, my tendonitis is REALLY acting up in my right wrist, and I've gotta wear my brace..... whine, whine, whine! Anyhoo to make myself feel better I ate up all the leftover lemon squares today, LOL. ***looks for a "fat" smiley but doesn't have one***
My girlfriend that we had the "Mother Blessing" for, some of you will recall my description of that spiritual and beautiful event from about a month ago, had her baby on Wednesday!! Her firstborn, and little (?) 9 lb. 14 oz.baby boy ~~ Noah Bruce!! Good gawd he was almost 10 lbs. peeps!!!! 22 1/4 inches long!! Like my pal Michele said, "he's big enough for preschool!!!" No wonder she had a C-section!! Anyway I'm happy to hear that everyone is doing well and that the ordeal of it all is finally over for C.J., who appears to be one of those women who isn't exactly comfortable being preggers, LOL. Congratulations C.J. and Luke, little Noah chose his parents well!!
What gorgeous winter weather we are having here! I was teasing my Southern Sista Janna yesterday that it was warmer here in Edmonton Alberta than it was for her in NYC ~~ only by 6 degrees F. mind you!
And now tonight I see it's exactly the opposite and she's 6 degrees F. warmer..... but whatever, it's pleasant as hell here! We're supposed to get a bit colder again on Tuesday but then back to the warmer stuff...... so we really can't complain, and I hope it stays this way through Christmas at least, especially for those of us who are going to be going outdoors for Christmas dinner. We're going to my sister Brenda's for it, she's about 45 min. west of us. So it would be really nice if the weather held, particularly if the highways stayed nice and clear and we don't get a dumping of snow of anything! We may be "snowbunnies" up here but that doesn't mean we like driving in it, LOL !
Well peeps it's time to check out some other blogs and get ready to watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation on TV......... so you all have a great Saturday night, and I'll catch ya later ~~~ PEACE!
Love Jude
My girlfriend that we had the "Mother Blessing" for, some of you will recall my description of that spiritual and beautiful event from about a month ago, had her baby on Wednesday!! Her firstborn, and little (?) 9 lb. 14 oz.baby boy ~~ Noah Bruce!! Good gawd he was almost 10 lbs. peeps!!!! 22 1/4 inches long!! Like my pal Michele said, "he's big enough for preschool!!!" No wonder she had a C-section!! Anyway I'm happy to hear that everyone is doing well and that the ordeal of it all is finally over for C.J., who appears to be one of those women who isn't exactly comfortable being preggers, LOL. Congratulations C.J. and Luke, little Noah chose his parents well!!
What gorgeous winter weather we are having here! I was teasing my Southern Sista Janna yesterday that it was warmer here in Edmonton Alberta than it was for her in NYC ~~ only by 6 degrees F. mind you!
Well peeps it's time to check out some other blogs and get ready to watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation on TV......... so you all have a great Saturday night, and I'll catch ya later ~~~ PEACE!
Love Jude
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