Looks like we're finally going to get some rain!! We sure need it too, it's so dry and dusty/dirty here from the snow melt earlier. So a nice spring rain and then some sunshine will make the buds *pop* on all the trees and get it even greener. Now if we could just do summers without insects like wasps, and without hot temperatures, I just might start to like them again like I used to when I was a sun worshipper. Never a summer went by, never, that I didn't have a nice dark tan. That was when I used to be able to take the heat. You know, before I got all hot-flashy. I'm just one hot mamma now, lol.
You have all done so well guessing what the icons beside your names on my bloglinks are!!!! Kudos to all of you, I guess I didn't make it so hard afterall huh? Or maybe you're just all too damn smart for me. The only person who didn't get hers was Debs and that's cuz she couldn't see them, LOL.
Guess that's about it for tonight peeps ~ I hope you all have a great Hump Day and I'll meet you back here later! PEACE!
Love Jude
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