Yep, that's me, just being an absolute "slob" today. This fine Saturday is a day of doing not much at all for moi, and I needed that. I still have to clean my computer tower out, and I'm hoping to still get that done today, I only need hubby to show me how the hell to get the cover off the tower and I should be able to do the rest....
I know my birthday party was last weekend and all, but I forgot to share a couple of the funny cards I got with you. So you'll just have to put up with my birthday rants one more time, sorry.
I thought these were really cute. To make them easier to scan, I cut out the inside "punch lines" and stuck them on the front of the cards. I'm such a techy, aren't I? Pfftt!!

The last one is particularly funny as I'm ALWAYS complaining how hard it is (with my old bum knees) to get down, and then especially to get back up again. And no, I don't mean that I have a hard time "getting down".......I'm a rocker chick after all, and I can "get down" with the best of them, thankyouverymuch. But you know, get down as in crouch, kneel, get on the floor. Or even to walk down a set of stairs. Going up is okay, just not down. My knees just don't want to work that way anymore. OY.
So I'm trying something new in my comments box. NooYawk sista Janna spotted it ~ I've always wished that I could respond to comments as they appear, rather than to have to type out a whole "new" comment to respond. Well the other day I noticed in Charlie's blog that he started doing this, and then it hit me ~ DOH!! All I have to do is go into "edit" mode in Haloscan. I tell ya, some of the most miraculous things happen to me when I'm just minding my own biz, lol. So as I said, I'm trying it out for awhile. It's a little more work, but I think the comments box is tidier this way. If I get too lazy you'll know, as you'll notice it's back to the way it was before.
Ever had those home-made Kraft Pizza's out of a box?? They've been around since I was a kid. In the box comes a can of pizza sauce, a packet of flour (just add H2o), a packet of seasoning, and a packet of cheese. You simply mix up the dough, flatten on a baking pan, add sauce, seasoning, and cheese. Bake for 18 minutes, et voila!!, you got yerself a mighty tasty little pizza. Of course you can add all the toppings you want on it that you have. Last night Pammie picked up a whole whackload of fresh mushrooms, and after I sauteed the tasty little shroomies in a little olive oil and butter, we added them to the pizza before we baked it. YUM. It were a fine supper, it were! I'm about to go partake in the leftovers that are in my fridge too.
My soul-sista Janna (on my sidebar) has today finally deleted her blog as it was. I checked in a little bit ago and it was gone... and I have to say I got all sad, lol. BUT!! She's going to be starting up a new one one of these days soon, with a different twist to it. Kinda like Danni did. (Danni now has a blog all about being a first time pregnant mom!) Anyway Janna Boop, out with the old, and in with the new, I always say!! I'm looking forward to your new one. *smoochies*
Okay peeps the fridge is calling me. It's getting late and I must go ~ so I wish you all a fantastic weekend and hope you are all safe and well. PEACE!!
Love Jude
I know my birthday party was last weekend and all, but I forgot to share a couple of the funny cards I got with you. So you'll just have to put up with my birthday rants one more time, sorry.
The last one is particularly funny as I'm ALWAYS complaining how hard it is (with my old bum knees) to get down, and then especially to get back up again. And no, I don't mean that I have a hard time "getting down".......I'm a rocker chick after all, and I can "get down" with the best of them, thankyouverymuch. But you know, get down as in crouch, kneel, get on the floor. Or even to walk down a set of stairs. Going up is okay, just not down. My knees just don't want to work that way anymore. OY.
So I'm trying something new in my comments box. NooYawk sista Janna spotted it ~ I've always wished that I could respond to comments as they appear, rather than to have to type out a whole "new" comment to respond. Well the other day I noticed in Charlie's blog that he started doing this, and then it hit me ~ DOH!! All I have to do is go into "edit" mode in Haloscan. I tell ya, some of the most miraculous things happen to me when I'm just minding my own biz, lol. So as I said, I'm trying it out for awhile. It's a little more work, but I think the comments box is tidier this way. If I get too lazy you'll know, as you'll notice it's back to the way it was before.
Ever had those home-made Kraft Pizza's out of a box?? They've been around since I was a kid. In the box comes a can of pizza sauce, a packet of flour (just add H2o), a packet of seasoning, and a packet of cheese. You simply mix up the dough, flatten on a baking pan, add sauce, seasoning, and cheese. Bake for 18 minutes, et voila!!, you got yerself a mighty tasty little pizza. Of course you can add all the toppings you want on it that you have. Last night Pammie picked up a whole whackload of fresh mushrooms, and after I sauteed the tasty little shroomies in a little olive oil and butter, we added them to the pizza before we baked it. YUM. It were a fine supper, it were! I'm about to go partake in the leftovers that are in my fridge too.
My soul-sista Janna (on my sidebar) has today finally deleted her blog as it was. I checked in a little bit ago and it was gone... and I have to say I got all sad, lol. BUT!! She's going to be starting up a new one one of these days soon, with a different twist to it. Kinda like Danni did. (Danni now has a blog all about being a first time pregnant mom!) Anyway Janna Boop, out with the old, and in with the new, I always say!! I'm looking forward to your new one. *smoochies*
Okay peeps the fridge is calling me. It's getting late and I must go ~ so I wish you all a fantastic weekend and hope you are all safe and well. PEACE!!
Love Jude
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