Howdy peeps! I hope you are all having a fantastic Saturday! I've been farting around with an idea I've had, and finally this morning I've finished it. A new tidbit in my sidebar, but just so you don't miss it here it is.......
Over 50 Club |
we started it, baby
I have no clue what I'm doing here, and all I wanted was to have a "box" with this information in it. I've been trying without success to figure out how to make the whole background in the box black, and then I can have an "invisible" border, which I know how to do no problem, with a coloured font other than black, of course. Anyway this is the best I can get, and it's usable, so I'm proud of my accomplishment so far.
HTML Goddess.....no. But maybe in training!! I am a rocker chick at heart, always have been and always will be ~ and I don't care how the hell old I get, I'm never cutting off my long hair and I'm never going to stop pumping arms and dancing and singing till I'm hoarse at Leppy concerts! Grow up Jude? NEVER!! 
I had a lovely visit with my friend Mae last night. She came over for a light supper and a glass of wine, and my birthday visit. It was great......but sad too. She has lived here all her life and her and her hubby are moving to Vancouver Island next month. I'm going to miss her terribly....however thank God there is email!!
Last night when I was cutting up veggies for a salad, I cut my left forefinger really badly. I cut very deeply right into the pad of the finger, right where I use it to type, naturally.
It took a long time before it would stop bleeding, and I actually thought I might have to get stitches. But I persevered and put pressure on it until my hands were actually cramping. And it finally stopped. But oh is it sore. OY. Moral of this story: never give sharp objects to mentalpausal women. 
Today is a rather lazy day, as I got everything done in the last 2 days that needed to be done around here. I'm even going to lay down for a snooze here in a half hour or so. Tomorrow is grocery shopping and then back to work Monday! I wish you all an excellent weekend, and will catch you here later chicks and dudes!! PEACE!
Love Jude
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