Man I have to tell ya, being on my feet all day at work now has been hard on them. But I'm finding more opportunities to sit now and then even for a few minutes, than the first few days, so it's better. Then, I was on them constantly for 2 days in a row the first week, and it took almost 3 weeks to recuperate. My one foot especially, I could hardly walk on it and forget trying to flex it. Could that foot be older than the other one? Maybe it formed long before the other one in my mother's womb?? I don't pretend to understand these things. All I know is, that one gives me the most trouble lately, and with ALL my aches and pains, it's mostly from my bones and joints just getting O.L.D.
Funny thing about my feet.....they are linked up to my neck. Well okay, in an indirect way they are.....I mean I'm all one body, right? It all started with my feet really, and now my neck is killing me too. I think it's from standing at the counter at work, which is WAY too high for me, trying to use the keyboard which ........well okay it doesn't really reach my nose but it feels like it. The old National Geographic boobies of mine pretty much rest on that counter. So I think I'm doing something funny with my shoulders while I'm typing way up there, and that in turn is making my neck really sore. I'm having a hard time shoulder checking in either direction now. And hell I don't even drive. My neck bone is old too. I think the spine does form first, doesn't it?? It probably IS older than the rest of my bones. Anyway it goes without saying that I can't wait to have more ergonomically correct work stations in the new office. One month and one week till we move. And I'll be able to use a sit-down counter. These old bones of mine will be grateful! Except I have to walk twice as far to work then, so that'll be harder on my feet. ....can I win here? OY!
Speaking of my big ol' sagging boobies.....I guess I'd really look out of proportion if they hadn't gained weight along with the rest of me. Take my butt, for instance. Please. It would look even bigger, along with my belly, if I didn't have bigger kajungas, don't you think? Ever noticed why I call myself the Hippie Chick.....and not Hippy? Not only is it a sore spot with me to see my rear in the mirror, but spelling Hippy is just too close to HippO. But I digress..... my caboose would look even bigger if I had the sunny side up eggs for ta ta's. So in actual fact, I guess I'm well proportioned. Hey maybe that means I have a nice figure afterall huh? Nice, just.......bigger. Which kinda sucks when you're vertically challenged like I am. If I was say, 5'8" tall, my weight wouldn't look too bad. But on a 5'2" frame, I don't look all that much different naked than a sumo wrestler.
All in all I'm really just having some jocularity but when it comes to my old bones......that's real. It's hard to be young inside an older body. Still, I'm happy with who I am so that's what counts.
There, that wasn't so bad was it?? I know you've missed hearing about my body parts and I just like to keep you up to date now and then. Next time: the wrath of the jiggly upper arms and why doesn't my chin stop doubling?
I'm off tomorrow as I'm working this Saturday instead. Holy crap I just checked the weather channel, and I think I'm moving to the North Pole. By Monday and Tuesday next week we're supposed to be over 30 degrees C. That's almost 90 degrees F. and I don't wanna hear about it from you people in Phoenix, or the deep south, LOL! If I wanted to have that kind of heat I'd move there, but up here, that's abnormally hot ~ even though we do get it now and then in the summer. Average temps here in the summer would probably range more around high 70's maybe? I don't know. Just another getting older thing I guess......can't worship the sun like I used to!
Oh and really bad news....the very day after I posted the link for you to check out the hilarious blog of Jay the New Dad, he posted that he's going to be shutting down his blog. He's leaving it up for a bit yet, and has links to some of his funny if you haven't read it yet, go take a gander, it's really, really worth it! His wife's blog is still going and she hasn't mentioned anything yet about shutting hers down. It's no wonder though, they are new parents to twins so I'm sure they don't have a lot of time on their hands now. I'll miss ya Jay!
Before I leave you tonight, here's a funny sent to me by my buddy Debs:
A nurse walks into a bank. Preparing to endorse a check, she pulls a rectal thermometer out of her pocket and tries to write with it. She looks up at the teller, pauses for a moment, then realizing her mistake, she says, "Well, that's great....just great! Some asshole's got my pen!"
I wish you all a fabulous week, and until next time, PEACE be yours! Take care of each other!
Love Jude
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