Lots to do though........ this weekend my brother-in-law and his 2 strapping grown lads are out here to help hubby re-shingle our roof. Yep, the sidewalk is done, hubby did a fabulous job and it looks beautiful! Now he's moved onto getting our roof done. Sure hope it doesn't rain now, LOL I took pictures of our cruddy old sidewalk before he tore it out and of our crumbling front step, so that eventually I could post before and after pictures on here. Well our step isn't done yet and for the moment he has a temporary plywood one in place. I'm hoping that gets finished by summer's end so I can post the pics!
Yesterday at work one of our young girls had a rough morning. An elderly gentleman with a bee in his bonnet came in and she took him at the counter. He was extremely rude and cranky to the point where she was crying after he left. I felt bad for her and tried to cheer her up, saying that his crankiness was HIS issue and had nothing to do with her, so to try and let it go and not let him ruin her day. I think she was feeling a bit better later on, but it took a few tears on her part to let it out. In all my years in the workforce I have noticed that some people really like to do whatever they can to ruin someone else's day by being nasty for no reason. When I was younger it bothered me a lot more ~ it still does when I get one of these customers now and then, but I can let it go more quickly than I used to. I just wonder how many other people he went on to abuse yesterday.....or was one enough to get it out of his system? I simply cannot imagine treating people that way. Even on my worst days, even when I was going through a really horrible time, I still kept my manners at least. I just may not have smiled as much as usual.
So as I said, hubby is working up on our roof now. It scares the sheeite out of me knowing he's up there ~ what if he fell off? It doesn't bear thinking about.......and it makes it hard for me to be at work while I know he's alone at home, and walking around on the top of our house, for heaven's sake! I worried about him all day yesterday and when I got home and he was still in one piece I breathed a sigh of relief, literally. I'm such a worry-wort, I know that.
Here's a funny for the ladies...... especially if you're a little older. It totally cracked me up!! I love good ol' belly laughs, don't you? Thanks to my buddy Debs for sending me this one!
I'm home from work now, I started this post this morning but ran out of time. It was a good day, went fairly quickly too. I am happy to say that my job position change to working out at the front counter is going well, and I'm happy. It was an extremely difficult challenge for me to let go so suddenly and try to appear "normal" on the outside while working out front, but it's something I worked hard at getting through the emotions of so that I could move on. Well with the help of all the wonderful people I work with (thanks Vickytoria, that means you too darling girl!) I have done it and I'm happy. Lots left yet for me to learn but it'll happen as time goes on. In 2 weeks we move our office to the new premises ~ much more spacious and everything new. It'll be a really gruelling weekend but 2 weeks after that I'm on 3 weeks holidays so it's all good.
Sorry that my posts have been a bit less frequent, I know you are all used to a busier blog here normally. But as I mentioned awhile ago, with all the crap going on in this house with repairs/renovations, it's been busy for me, and for the next 3 or 4 weeks will be at it's worst yet! I'll keep posting a few a week hopefully.......just don't give up on me if it's been a few days okay? I'll be back with a vengeance whether you like it or not! Bua ha ha ha!!!
Well peeps I'm going to finish this now and call this post "toast"! Have a wonderful week and take good care of each other, we're all we've got! ~ PEACE! ~
Love Jude
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