I've only a few of my bloglinks that I check on who blog much anymore. It seems most people I know that used to blog aren't doing it much these days. Even my own posts are a lot more sporadic than they used to be over the years, but I think it's because I don't have as many readers/bloggers as I once did. I may get one or two comments, if that. Everyone has gone over to FaceBook.
I've been on FaceBook for a long time, but never really used it. I only got it to keep in touch with some friends who were only on FaceBook and nowhere else.
Recently I've started using it a lot more, because that's where most of my friends and family are. I don't hate it like I used to, probably because out of necessity I've become more familiar with it, and used to the short posts people make there. I still enjoy blogging, and I love reading friends' blog posts when they do post. It just seems like it's becoming a dying social form. Sad, really.
My other blog,
Stardom Awaits!, has some big changes coming up for our next contest, which we are SO excited about! Stay tuned for that. At the moment, we are still in the middle of voting for the current photo contest, "Fire". If you haven't voted yet and would like to participate, head on over!

My printer gasped and died on me several months ago, and last night my sis Pammie and I were out and about and went to
Staples where I got myself a nice little HP three-in-one printer: print/copy/scan, which I'll be hooking up today. We also stopped at
Future Shop for something else, and I finally got myself an external hard drive. I figure it's time I got something else to store my photos and files on other than just CD's.
The only other thing I've been thinking about for awhile is getting a small size laptop for convenience, but I keep hesitating. I like my PC, but lots of times if I'm sitting watching TV I think it would be nice to be able to sit and browse the internet, check emails, and blog/facebook without having to sit at my desktop. (anything else, like photo work, would still be done on my PC)
What makes me hesitate is I don't think you can get laptops with XP anymore, which means my beloved Outlook Express email won't be on it. So I'm in a quandry about that. :-(
I'm fortunate in that where I work, we get "Flex Credits" annually, and we can put all or as much as we want on many things, such as a Personal Account. I chose to put $200 on that this year, which means I had $200 to spend on a printer. The rest I put on paying the premiums on my health benefits. It's a great place to work!
Well peeps, all 2 or 3 of you (LOL!), I hope your week has been good to you, and that your upcoming weekend rocks! Until next time, take good care of each other!
Love Jude