(and Sister Pammie's)
Still continuing the Late Summer Theme, before I went grocery shopping Sunday morning I walked around the front and back yards snapping off a few pics to take you on a little tour of the yards. And this time, the good AND the bad are included here!
Here, hubby is laying the ground cover, and filling over with the red mulch:

He is leaving an area around the 3 bushes planted under there open:

(notice the ground outside the circle; he has plans for that)
Okay let's take a trip around back for a few minutes. Down the side of the house, and here is the sidewalk hubby re-did this summer. (DAMN he makes a nice sidewalk!!) Remember the noisy gas-powered tamper that had my whole house shaking? This is where he was working:

This next picture is the area going between the garage and the house (hot-tub room) that leads back to behind the garage where the doggie's "potty" is. We call this "the runway". After having so much crap on the ground last summer from renovations, and due to years of neglect, this area has lost most of it's grass. Hubby did put down some blocks for walking on this year though:

He put down some topsoil and grass seed along the left side a couple of weeks ago and it's finally growing. When it's ready to walk on, he'll probably sod the right side.

Another area in the backyard where we lost all our grass from "crap" sitting all over it last year. Hubby seeded this also and it's filled in nicely:

Here too, in another area:

You can always tell the new grass as it's so much lighter in colour at first.
Late summer, and the Bishop's Weed out back is now turning brown in spots and is going to seed:

Signs of autumn coming in the near future:
Okay, let's head back up onto the deck and go back out front. Our deck..... oh I don't know how we've managed to keep it from falling through each year, it's in such rough shape:
The boards all need replacing SO badly.
Hubby even bought and stained these a few years ago, but they still sit as there's so many other projects to be done as well. Okay, now step down on the left and through the gate there:
Back down the side to the front yard: (dammit, ain't that one purrdy walk? Look how wide he made them, compared to the regular width next door)

More signs of summer's end soon, on that bush of ours that turns bright red in autumn:
That's the bush on the right, we'll be moving it to another spot not so close to the sidewalk. Beside it is the new pear tree:
One of the biggest compliments hubby can get, is that so far 3 people have said they think the front lawn is so pretty it looks like a "park"....
And by suppertime same day (Sunday), hubby has finished the Spruce tree wall, at least the inside of it! Those 3 Flowering Plum bushes will one day get big under there and fill out a lot.
Now he's digging around the outside of the stone wall, where he'll be adding new topsoil and either grass seed or sod.
See?? I TOLD ya hubby has a blonde pony tail stuffed up under his cap when he's working!
2 Days later:
All finished this project! Hubby has dug around the outside of the wall where the ground was compacted and grass-less. He's laid in new soil and grass seed, and we'll see how it does.

Nice job honey!

I think this completes the front yard projects for this year..... but hey, I wouldn't be silly enough to bet my next paycheque on it.
Oh, and can you say "S.L.E.E.P"???? As of tonight (Wednesday evening) I am on vacation!! Three whole weeks of getting up in the morning whenever the hell I FEEL like it, instead of a damn alarm clock! WHEEEE!!!
Okay, busy day tomorrow, I have girlfriends coming over for dinner, and need to get my housecleaning done, and food preparation. Have a good one everyone, and take good care of each other.
Love Jude